Join Golden Years, Glowing Health

Give your best friend their best life in their senior years

Learn everything you need to know to keep your dog healthy and happy during their senior years, in this 5 week, veterinarian-led small-group course.

Help your best friend continue enjoying the activities they love, while you enjoy more good quality time together!

Your Senior Dog is Special

You want your dog’s golden years to be the best time of their life, in honor of the years of love and companionship they’ve given you.

Learn how to make the most difference to your senior dog’s quality of life, without wasting another minute, in this 5 week interactive small-group course!

Trying to figure out how to help your senior dog thrive can be overwhelming - I get that.

- Getting lost in the sea of supplement options

- Finding countless pieces of conflicting advice online

- Watching your dog struggle to get up in the morning and not knowing what to do . . .

. . . feeling unsure how to best meet their needs can keep you from fully enjoying what should be the sweetest phase of their life: their Golden Years

It turns out that there are a few key areas where you can make the most difference to your dog’s quality of life, and I created this course to share them with you!


Golden Years, Glowing Health

A one of a kind 5 week, intimate group coaching course teaching you exactly how to keep your senior dog healthy, comfortable & happy through their golden years, without wasting money & precious time on things that don’t really help.

Learn from an expert senior dog veterinarian, inside a close-knit community of like-minded pet parents. We’ll cover everything you need to know to confidently enjoy your dog’s golden years, knowing you’re giving them the very best care. Your dog will be able to continue enjoying the activities they love, and you’ll be able to enjoy more good quality time together!

Start transforming your senior dog’s quality of life

What would it be worth to have the peace of mind knowing you’re giving your senior dog everything they need to thrive?

  • If you could relax and enjoy their golden years, without wondering about their quality of life?

  • If you could spend more good-quality time together, doing the activities you both love?

  • If you didn’t have to spend hours sifting through and trying to make sense of conflicting information online, because you have the comprehensive guide to your dog’s senior wellness?

While you can’t put a price on better health and more quality time with your best friend, you can make a small investment in making sure you know everything you need to give them their best life.

Join Golden Years, Glowing Health for as little as $178 to get started today:

One low payment


Two monthly payments


  • Lifetime access to the entire Golden Years, Glowing Health roadmap to your best friend’s best life. Enrich your senior dog’s quality of life through recognizing and treating early warning signs of pain, senior nutrition, oral health, cognitive health, mobility and exercise, and a holistic guide to assessing quality of life (Value $1000)

  • Weekly interactive Zoom calls in our small group to go through each module together and get answers to all your questions (Value $1350)

  • Golden Years Guardians - Your private community of like-minded pet parents (Value $1000)

  • Bonus #1: Pain Relief Playbook - Your guide to discussing pain management options with your vet, and non-pharmaceutical options for pain relief (Value $127)

  • Bonus #2: Holistic Quality of Life Assessment (Value $97)

  • Bonus #3: Walking With Your Dog to the Rainbow Bridge (Value $87)

You’ll receive:

Value = $3661

What you’ll actually pay? $178 (x2 monthly installments)

or $297 in full (saving $59)

That’s up to $3364 in savings!

Dr. Angela walked me through exactly what I needed to know

“Daisy has been my best friend for all of her life, and when she started slowing down a couple of years ago, I didn’t know what to do. I was spending so much time trying to find answers online, and every time one person recommended something, someone else would say the opposite. Having Dr. Angela there to walk me through exactly what I needed to know was a lifesaver - Daisy is doing great and is definitely enjoying the extra attention, and I feel so much better knowing I’m giving her everything she needs!”

  • Mike, senior dog dad to Daisy

What’s inside

Golden Years, Glowing Health?

Week 1: Recognizing subtle signs of pain

Stop wondering if your dog is comfortable, and learn what signs to watch for! The earlier we recognize pain, the sooner we can provide relief. We’ll cover key signs of pain to watch for in your dog, and effective non-pharmaceutical options for pain relief that you can try at home (including supplements, acupressure, and massage).

Week 2: Optimizing nutrition & oral health

Learn the foundations of senior nutrition including home-cooked diets and alternatives to kibble. We’ll cover the unique nutritional needs of senior dogs, and how nutrition affects your dog’s overall health. Learn to assess your dog’s oral health, and ways you can improve it at home. Learn the ONE thing proven to increase life expectancy.

Week 3: Mobility & Exercise

Physical activity is crucial for health! Learn which activities & exercises are safe & effective for your senior dog, and how to tailor their exercise to their fitness level so they can stay active as they age. We’ll cover key exercises I use with my patients (which you can do at home!) to improve balance and core strength, which are critical for mobility in senior dogs.

Week 4: Cognitive health

Get clarity on early warning signs of cognitive dysfunction (doggie dementia) and learn how to improve your dog’s brain health. We’ll talk about indicators to watch for at home, supplements that can improve cognitive health, and enrichment activities that can delay or even reverse age-related brain changes.

Week 5: Quality of Life

The biggest question every senior pet parent has is, “Does my dog still have a good quality of life?” This week, we’ll put everything together to create a holistic assessment of your dog’s quality of life, and make sure you’re confident in your plan moving forward! We’ll discuss a balanced approach to veterinary care and testing, and you’ll finish this week feeling confident you have a good handle on your dog’s overall well-being. You’ll know you can identify changes and intervene early for the best outcome, and you can make medical decisions that benefit your dog’s health without putting them through unnecessary tests. Including extra Q&A time to ensure all your questions are answered, so you’ll complete the course feeling empowered to help your dog live their healthiest, happiest life.

Imagine how happy your dog’s Golden Years can be

What if, as your dog gets older, you can help them maintain:

  • Mobility and pain-free movement

  • A good appetite

  • Interest in their favorite activities

  • A bright, alert mind

You can see it:

  • Your dog waking up each morning with pep in their step, excited to greet the day

  • Enjoying leisurely walks together while they sniff all the interesting smells

  • Coming home to eagerly eat a nutritious breakfast

  • Looking over from your laptop during your work day to see your dog snoozing in a sunbeam and smiling to yourself, knowing they’re comfortable and happy

  • Snuggling together on the couch, your dog sighing with contentment as you gently stroke their soft head

  • Gentle games of fetch, tug, or hide & seek, laughing at the mischievous sparkle in your dog’s eyes

  • Going to bed at night, both of you sleeping soundly, secure in the knowledge that you and your dog thoroughly enjoyed another golden day together

During our 5 weeks together, you will learn:

  • How to recognize subtle signs of pain in your dog (that most people miss!), so you can be confident you’re keeping your senior dog comfortable

  • What to feed your senior dog, so they get the nutrition they need to thrive

  • Which supplements are truly beneficial for your senior dog, without wasting money or having to feed your dog a bunch of pills every day

  • How to improve your senior dog’s oral health, and the positive impact that will have on their overall well-being

  • Activities and exercises that are safe and effective for senior dogs

  • How to do the foundational rehab exercises that I prescribe to help with balance and core strength, which are crucial for mobility in seniors.

  • Recognizing early signs of canine cognitive dysfunction (doggie dementia) and ways to improve your dog’s brain health.

  • How to holistically assess your dog’s quality of life, so that you can confidently enjoy their golden years, knowing you’re on top of any changes

  • A balanced perspective on veterinary care and lab work (testing) in senior dogs, so that you can feel confident in your decision making

Bonus material

If you’re like me and want to learn absolutely everything you can, I’m including these bonuses to help you give your senior dog the very best care:

  • Access to our private community for peer mentoring and discussion with like-minded pet parents dedicated to providing the very best life for their senior dogs.

  • - Discussion points to bring up during office visits, so you can have more informative conversations with your veterinarian.

    - Non-pharmaceutical options for pain relief that you can use in conjunction with their pain medications when they need extra relief, or as alternatives in dogs who can’t take traditional pain medications. Learn about massage, passive range of motion, acupressure, warm compresses, supplements, and other integrative options for pain relief.

  • A printable guide you can use over and over, to track changes in your dog and quickly identify things that might be impairing their quality of life. The earlier you intervene, the better your chance of making a positive impact!

  • This is an optional, 6th interactive video call where we can discuss all of your questions about end of life decision making, options for care, and resources for support and in-home care. These topics may be upsetting to some, and be assured that you will still get all the information you need to keep your senior dog healthy and happy even if you opt not to participate in this call. I offer it as part of Golden Years because many people have questions or concerns that they want to discuss ahead of time for information or planning, or with someone who’s not their dog’s personal veterinarian, and this call is a wonderful resource if you have questions you’d like to talk through. Because of the sensitive nature of the discussion, this call will not be recorded, but the date will be provided at the beginning of the course so that you’ll have at least a month to plan ahead for attendance.

Meet Dr. Angela

During 15+ years in veterinary medicine, I've helped countless senior pet parents keep their dogs healthy and happy as they age.

I know what it takes to give your dog the very best golden years so that you can enjoy the most time together. And I want to help you enjoy your dog's golden years, knowing you're doing all the right things to keep your best friend healthy, comfortable and happy.

As a certified veterinary rehabilitation therapist (think physical therapy, but for dogs!) and acupuncturist, my favorite patients are my seniors, and I know first-hand that senior parents are the most devoted.

There’s nothing sweeter than seeing the love in the eyes of a senior dog as they look at their favorite person in the world, and I want you to have more moments like that together.

I created Golden Years, Glowing Health to teach you all the things that have the biggest positive impact on your dog’s quality of life, so that you can keep them healthy, comfortable and happy. I’ll guide you on your journey to giving your dog the very best golden years, so that you can enjoy more time together.

I guarantee that you and your dog will benefit from this course

  • The material we’ll cover in Golden Years, Glowing Health is essential for just about every parent of a senior dog. Through 15+ years in veterinary medicine, I’ve helped countless senior pet parents keep their dogs healthy and happy as they age. With this experience, I’ve found that certain key issues come up over and over again, and often aren’t thoroughly addressed during regular vet visits.

    • The biggest impact on quality of life comes from a relatively small number of changes! And many pet parents are surprised when I recommend these things, because while they’re easy to implement, they’re not on everyone’s radar.

    • This course is designed to teach you all of these principles, so that you can confidently assess your dog’s quality of life at home, AND have higher-quality conversations with your veterinarian during office visits.

  • I know that senior dogs seem to age faster the older they get, and you want your dog’s quality of life to improve NOW, so there’s no time to waste. Most senior dog parents who implement these recommendations start to see positive changes in their dog within 30 days.

I invite you to try Golden Years, Glowing Health for 14 days - I’m certain that you and your dog will benefit from what you’ll learn, and I want you to feel completely confident that this course is the right fit for you.

Once you enroll, you’ll attend our kickoff call, then you’ll have another 7 days to submit questions, complete module one, attend our first group call, and introduce yourself to the community for support. If you don’t think we’re a good fit, just email me and I’m happy to refund your enrollment.

I know how it feels to watch your dog age before your eyes:

  • They’re stiffer and creakier getting up in the morning

  • They’re less energetic, and not as interested in playing games they used to love

  • They sometimes seem a little confused

  • They may even be shrinking as they lose interest in their food.

You’re afraid all this is going to lead to your best friend not being able to get up on their own, no longer enjoying walks without pain, and becoming anxious and agitated as doggie dementia causes confusion and even loss of house-training.

I totally get it, because I’ve been there - and I can tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way! You can change things for your best friend. You can turn this around. You may not be able to turn back the clock, but you CAN slow down the aging process and even reverse some of the changes you’re seeing in your dog.

Join Golden Years, Glowing Health today and start transforming your senior dog’s quality of life

One low payment


Pay tuition in full and save 20%

Payment plan


Choose 2 monthly installments for more flexibility

2 monthly payments

You’ll receive:

  • Lifetime access to the entire Golden Years, Glowing Health roadmap to your best friend’s best life. Enrich your senior dog’s quality of life through recognizing and treating early warning signs of pain, senior nutrition, oral health, cognitive health, mobility and exercise, and a holistic guide to assessing quality of life (Value $1000)

  • Weekly interactive Zoom calls in our small group to go through each module together and get answers to all your questions (Value $1350)

  • Golden Years Guardians - Your private community of like-minded pet parents (Value $1000)

  • Bonus #1: Pain Relief Playbook - Your guide to discussing pain management options with your vet, and non-pharmaceutical options for pain relief (Value $127)

  • Bonus #2: Holistic Quality of Life Assessment (Value $97)

  • Bonus #3: Walking With Your Dog to the Rainbow Bridge (Value $87)

Value = $3661

What you’ll actually pay? $178 (2 monthly installments)

or $297 in full (saving $59)

That’s up to $3364 in savings!


  • Golden Years, Glowing Health is a 5 week interactive small-group program. It includes a weekly interactive video call so that we can go over the course material together, and you’ll have time to ask all your questions. The time commitment each week is about 2 hours - 30 to 60 minutes to review that week’s module independently, then 60 to 90 minutes on our group call. You can also spend as much time as you’d like interacting with other like-minded pet parents in our private online community.

  • Any dog 6 years or older is already on the cusp of their senior years, and will benefit from what you’ll learn in this course. If your dog is younger, and you want to be proactive about preparing for their golden years, you are also welcome to join us!

  • In my 15+ years in veterinary medicine, I’ve taught countless senior pet parents how to help their dogs stay healthy and happy as they age. I’ve noticed that certain issues come up over and over again, and often aren’t thoroughly addressed during regular vet visits. I’ve found that the biggest impact on quality of life comes from a relatively small number of changes, and many of them are things people don’t think to do on their own and are surprised when I recommend them. This course is designed to teach you all of these things so that you can confidently assess your dog at home, AND have higher-quality conversations with your veterinarian during office visits.

  • That’s fantastic! I want you to take the things you learn in Golden Years, and use them to enrich your relationship with your veterinarian so that you can make the most of your time together during office visits! An informed pet parent can ask better questions during office visits to get better information. A lot of time in the office is spent on surface level information, because that’s important stuff that needs to be talked about! But that information is general, and can be applied to almost any dog - learn those things from this course, so that you can have your foundation already built and be able to spend your valuable face-to-face time with YOUR veterinarian going deeper into issues that are specific to your individual dog.

    This course is in no way meant to replace your relationship with your own veterinarian. I cannot diagnose or prescribe for your dog, because we are not establishing the required veterinarian-client-patient relationship.

  • Yes! I created Golden Years, Glowing Health based on 15+ years of veterinary experience with thousands of senior dogs and am confident in the value you and your dog will receive. I want you to be completely confident that your decision is risk-free, so after enrolling you will have 14 days to complete the first module (including bonus material), submit your questions, access the community for support, and attend our first call. If you don’t think we’re a good fit, just let me know and I’ll refund your enrollment (and you’ll keep the bonus material for module 1).

  • Yes! Each week, you’ll receive one of the five course modules, along with any associated bonus material. You’ll have the week to go through the material, then at the end of the week we’ll have our group call to discuss the material together and go through your questions. The course is designed to take about an hour a week for 5 weeks of independent study, plus 60-90 minutes on the weekly call. There is an additional, optional bonus call for end of life decision making and questions, which you can attend at your discretion. You will have lifetime access to the course modules and bonus material, so you can review the material as often as you need to at your convenience.

  • All of our group calls are recorded, and replays are available to students to watch at your convenience. Additionally, I highly encourage you to submit questions by email ahead of our call whether you’re attending live or catching the replay, so that I can answer them during the call!

  • If you need a veterinarian to diagnose or prescribe medication for your dog, or you want 1:1 attention to medical concerns that require me to access your dog’s medical history, this is not for you. If you don’t want to join a community of like-minded senior pet parents, or you prefer to study independently and not participate in small-group coaching calls where you can ask questions, this program may not be the best fit for you.

Imagine this with me:

  • You wake up in the morning and roll over to see your dog still snoozing next to you after a good night’s sleep.

  • After starting your day with some snuggles, you head out for your first walk, strolling along in the morning sunshine while your dog wags their tail at each interesting new spot to sniff.

  • Returning home, you enjoy a cup of coffee while your dog eagerly eats the nutritious breakfast you know will give them energy for the day ahead.

  • They walk over and lean into your hand while you gently scratch their neck in their favorite spot, and you smile at how happy you both are.

  • You think back to the days when you were worried and uncertain about whether you were providing everything they needed to thrive as seniors, and you can hardly believe how far you’ve both come!

  • Now your dog is thriving, and you’re confident that you’re giving them everything they need to stay healthy and happy through their golden years.

With Golden Years, Glowing Health, this is how your dog’s golden years can look. I’ll walk with you through everything you need to know to keep your senior dog healthy, comfortable and happy without wasting money or precious time on things that don’t really help.

Give yourself and your dog the roadmap to senior health & happiness, and the mentoring you need to personalize your dog’s senior wellness plan, so that you can enjoy your dog’s golden years knowing you’re giving them everything they need to thrive.

Imagine how it will feel to know that you’re literally changing your dog’s life for the better. It’s your turn to become the very best senior dog parent your best friend deserves!

Join Golden Years, Glowing Health today and start transforming your senior dog’s quality of life

One low payment


Pay tuition in full and save 20%

Payment plan


Choose 2 monthly installments for more flexibility

2 monthly payments

You’ll receive:

  • Lifetime access to the entire Golden Years, Glowing Health roadmap to your best friend’s best life. Enrich your senior dog’s quality of life through recognizing and treating early warning signs of pain, senior nutrition, oral health, cognitive health, mobility and exercise, and a holistic guide to assessing quality of life (Value $1000)

  • Weekly interactive Zoom calls in our small group to go through each module together and get answers to all your questions (Value $1350)

  • Golden Years Guardians - Your private community of like-minded pet parents (Value $1000)

  • Bonus #1: Pain Relief Playbook - Your guide to discussing pain management options with your vet, and non-pharmaceutical options for pain relief (Value $127)

  • Bonus #2: Holistic Quality of Life Assessment (Value $97)

  • Bonus #3: Walking With Your Dog to the Rainbow Bridge (Value $87)